Miranda's Group

Academic Website

The Greatest Brazilian Generation

GBG rocks! :)

Brazil has been blessed with outstanding young researchers in Cosmology who will quickly make me obsolete. Many of them are still trying to secure a faculty position. So hire them, invite them for a talk, and trust me, they are amazing.

Below is a (probably incomplete) list of their names. There is no judgment in case I forgot a name. I aim with this page to have a database of Brazilians worldwide doing cosmology. So we can advertise their work.


The Gen-Z Brazilian Generation (and a few millennials!)

Below, I present a list of postdocs working on Cosmology worldwide in the diaspora.

Did I forget anyone? Please send me a message! Let's map what this unique generation is doing.


The Gen-alpha Brazilian Generation

We also have a new generation of Ph.D. students in the diaspora who are doing great work. The GPG is already getting old :O

The Gen-Z/alpha affiliated with Brazilian Institutions.

Leaving the country is not the only way to work on cosmological research. Below, I list the new generation of Ph.D. students and postdocs affiliated with Brazilian institutions who are trying to understand dark energy.

The Departed (from cosmology!)

They were great Brazilian scientists in the diaspora who successfully made or are trying to transition to industry jobs. If you are considering such a path and need role models, look at their LinkedIn profiles!